The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests are a series of standardized tests that are undertaken by all Australian students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The tests are used as an analysis and evaluation of each student’s abilities in literacy and numeracy skills through reading, language conventions, writing and numeracy tests.
Key Dates for NAPLAN 2018
Below are the key dates for the 2018 Paper tests.
15 May 2018 | 16 May 2018 | 17 May 2018 | |
Year 3 |
Language conventions Writing
Reading 45 minutes |
Numeracy 45 minutes |
Year 5 |
Language conventions Writing
Reading 50 minutes |
Numeracy 50 minutes |
Year 7 |
Language conventions Writing
Reading 65 minutes |
Numeracy 60 minutes |
Year 9 |
Language conventions Writing
Reading 65 minutes |
Numeracy 60 minutes |
Dates above, and more information can be found here https://www.nap.edu.au/information/key-dates/naplan-2018-timetable
Transition to online testing
The transition to online NAPLAN testing will commence this year and take place over the next two years. The purpose of online testing aims to achieve more precise results. This is done through tailored testing in which the test automatically gives students questions that are more suited to their ability which results in better assessment and more precise results.
In addition to this, test results will be able to be delivered efficiently allowing for schools and students to receive feedback quickly.
Essays and tests will all be computer marked through programs such as AES (automated essay scoring). These systems use algorithms that are designed to mirror human scoring by measuring characteristics of writing such as fluency, grammar and construction.
Online testing in 2018 will be conducted through an opt-in basis, and students that take the test on paper will not be disadvantaged as the paper and online tests will assess the same skills and curriculum content.
Tips for preparation
NAPLAN tests differ from other tests in that children cannot prepare for the test in a short amount of time due to the broad nature of the curriculum tested. NAPLAN tests measure skills and abilities that need to be built up over time and through practice. Some tips to improving and building skills are listed below.
Reading is tested by reading comprehension type questions in the NAPLAN test. The best way to prepare for the reading component of NAPLAN would be reading appropriate level texts regularly to develop reading and comprehension skills. In addition to this, regularly practicing reading comprehension questions can vastly improve your child’s reading comprehension skills. Some recommended texts to improve your child’s reading skills can be found in our previous blog here https://lynnslearning.com.au/school-holiday-reading-kids/.
Language Conventions
A great way for students to practice language conventions is to identify mistakes in sentences. This can include misspelled words, missing punctuation or incorrect grammar. Make up some sentences for your child to practice this exercise on a regular basis. In addition to this, regular reading can also help during preparation for the language conventions test.
One method of improving writing skills is by practicing rapid writing every day. This can be done by practicing writing a short essay for about 10-15 minutes everyday. You can either prompt your child by giving them topics beforehand or you can allow your child to come up with their own topics. Allowing children to come up with their own ideas is a great way to encourage creativity and thinking outside the box. This may come in handy during the NAPLAN test , as they are required to come up with interesting writing under time pressure.
In order to prepare for the numeracy part of the test, the best way to do this is through regular practice of maths questions. This means regular practice on paper and also in real life situations such as using money, telling the time and measuring weights or liquids. It is crucial that your child is able to transfer their ability to solve real life maths problems to paper, therefore both problem solving style questions and regular maths questions are vital in your child’s homework routine.
How Lynn’s Learning can assist with NAPLAN preparation
At Lynn’s Learning, we specialise in Maths Tuition and English Tuition to strengthen the skills your child learns at school, and to help identify and re-educate areas that your child may have missed or been weaker in. Part of our programs, particularly for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, is to help prepare for NAPLAN. All Lynn’s Learning students sitting NAPLAN will undergo some preparation before the examination dates come around. This process includes completing practise tests – both untimed and against the clock – to teach children the concepts involved in the exams, as well as teaching them exam time-management.
If you’re interested in more tips, tricks and resources before the 2018 NAPLAN tests, get in touch with us today on on (03) 9796 8779 for a discussion about your child’s academic needs.